Sunday, October 21, 2007

Trigger Point Release: Lessons from the Ice Bucket

After a couple of mishaps with my thumbs and some long icing sessions, I realized early on I could not buy another pair. My alma mater, The Body Therapy Institute, taught me well; use your thumbs sparingly. Once I entered into practice, however, it became easy to rely on them and I quickly realized clients love them. Once they’re hooked on the use of thumbs, it’s hard to wean them off. The ice bucket has provided me time to contemplate.

Should you find yourself favoring your thumbs, remember a few
important points. First, always look for radial alignment that looks like a straight line down your radius through your thumbs. This will allow an even distribution of weight along your arm and shoulder girdle. Supporting your thumb with your first finger can be extremely helpful as well.

Secondly, remember that approaching an adhesion or a trigger point
with your thumbs can be an "invitation" rather than an "elimination".
I believe force is always met with resistance. When we set
an intention to invite a trigger point to release, not only is less
pressure needed, but the body will respond to the invitation, usually
by meeting us halfway. Never underestimate the power of intention.

Approaching the same situation with an intent of eliminating a trigger
point could have you wrestling with tissue well past your comfort
level, especially working with a client who has a "no pain, no gain"

The invitation is for the inherent wisdom of the client's body to lead
it back toward homeostasis, back to ease and comfort.
I invite you to try this approach the next time you are wrestling with
a trigger point. Also, keep this quote posted in an area you can easily see.
“It's not how deep you go, it's how you go deep."-- Ida Rolf

This article is a continuation of this one.

We encourage your input. Share with us what you have learned from the ice bucket.

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