Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Massage Marketing: Creating an Ad

You are getting ready to run an ad and then you wonder…what should it look like? Many advertisers fall into the early trap of trying to say too much. Often this is fear based. A finely crafted ad does not require over wording.

On average, people will see around 5000 marketing and advertising messages every day. You have to assume most will be quickly forgotten. To be successful, communicate most of your message with the picture and caption. Very few people will take the time to read an entire ad.

Research indicates that readers notice ad elements in the following order:

  1. Picture or Graphic
  2. Caption
  3. Headline
  4. Text Copy
  5. Signature (Name and contact info. of advertiser)

Advertising expert David Ogilvy (1911 – 1999) devised an ad layout formula for some of his most successful ads. These became known as the “Ogilvy”. View classic Ogilvy ads: HERE

The examples I posted above demonstrate good use of photos, captions and copy. (We are not promoting these products, only their advertising layout). Remember, the formula for ad building is not set in stone and variations can be devised using personal style and creativity.

Tips for the ad's main elements:

Picture or Graphic - Let it be expressive and evoke in your potential client the benefit they are seeking. Choose a photo that will support the caption and headline.

Caption - In a few words capture the essence of what you are communicating. Your message should be in-sync with the photo or graphic. This is a good spot for a client quote on benefits.

Headline- Use a succinct message communicating your purpose. The dog food ad uses these simple words “Feed pure. Live pure.” The herb ad also uses a short, clear message which works.

Text Copy – Edit this until you have as few words as possible to communicate your message. Make it easy for the potential client to understand what you are communicating and what they are supposed to do.

Signature – Use your logo, company name and any contact information your potential client will need.

To quote David Ogilvy, “To get clients, do good advertising".

If you have any specific questions about ads, feel free to reach out to debra@imassageinc.com.

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